Aims & Scope

With its detailed and rigorous coverage, the Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale (RDIPP) tackles the whole range of issues at the forefront of private international and procedural law.

Exemplifying its unfettered nature and the breadth of its thought vis-à-vis the definition of private international and procedural law, RDIPP espouses a holistic vision of this area of the law. On the one hand, RDIPP examines, from both a domestic and a supra-national perspective, ‘classic’ questions of jurisdiction, applicable law, and the circulation of decisions and judicial acts in both civil and commercial matters, including disputes relating to personal status and family law. On the other hand, to offer a wholly contextualized understanding of this field of the law and its ramifications, RDIPP expands its scope to include ‘ancillary’ questions: e.g., questions of jurisdictional immunity of States, jurisdiction and effectiveness of foreign judgments in criminal matters, extraterritorial enforcement of foreign administrative acts, the determination of the legal status of foreigners and their property. Against this background, to embrace all the harmonisation efforts in this area of the law and to pursue a comprehensive viewpoint, RDIPP meticulously reflects the role of, i.a., the European Union, the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the United Nations Commission On International Trade Law, the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), and the European Court of Human Rights in the making of private international and procedural law.

Relying on the attentive legal analysis of its contributors and on the scrupulous monitoring of trends and novelties – epitomised, i.a. in the sections devoted to domestic and supra-national jurisprudence, documentation, chronicles, and book reviews – RDIPP actively contributes to developing and fostering a dialogue between the major stakeholders in the area of cross-border dispute resolution. With its eloquent and prolific analysis – evidenced and supported by the members of its scientific and editorial boards as well as by its internationally renowned contributors – RDIPP provides, with each of its issues, a forum for the keenest legal minds. As such, it has become an essential source of reference in the field of private international and procedural law.